Excuse the bad language but the utter, utter a***holes over at “they’re not even worthy of being linked to” 123-reg have done it for the final time.
Them and their lame arse excuse of a website for managing domains and DNS records seemed fine a few years ago when I started using them. But since then, frequent email forwarding issues were just about forgivable but this year has seen some major balls ups in their web services. Premium rate helpline numbers?! DNS changes that just get saved but not implemented, just so they can spam your domain with their own holding page for 24 hours when they do?!
A few searches on the internet reveal many, many similar ‘customers’ from 123-reg who’ve experienced the 123-rage.
Actually, at this point I might blame James Cridland. I am sure it was him who recommended them to me about 6 years ago (I’m sure he wouldn’t now though, he’s quite sensible really).
Anyway, if you got domains from 123-reg then get them out of there! 123-reg will come crashing down on you one day. Start dancing with your domains over to the lovely, helpful, polite and downright decent people at: www.domainmonsters.com.
Oh, and one last thing whilst on this rant - also avoid 1and1.com. Any website service provider who has over *8 pages* of advertising in Computer Arts magazine alone is obviously spending far too much money on advertising and not enough on things like customer service, or “knowing what the f*ck you’re talking about” (bad phone conversation).
They are truly useless and should be avoided at all costs.
we had that many issues with them, we started a site dedicated to 123-reg rants!!
http://www.123-reg-blog.co.uk :)
123-Reg Blog
Posted 11 months and 2 days after the item.