I meant to post these photos sooner, but didn't have time.
The annual Christmas-Card-making session that I go through each year is somewhat of a tradition. For me, it was my Dad with his almost religious devotion to hand made Christmas Cards, who has made this become a task which under no circumstances should be neglected over the festive season. So, every year I set about making my Christmas cards.
There are 2 basic requirements:
- It has to be festive. Normally I like to focus equally on Christmas and New Year, without any religious connotations. Yes, I realise its Christmas but Christmas has long been a concoction of various traditions. Besides, I send my cards to many people, not all of whom celebrate Christmas (!). However, I believe we could all do with some good-will and peace on this tiny rock we live on.
- It has to be simple. The practicalities of making rather a lot of cards in one go should be considered. Some years I've had more complicated designs that are harder to mass-produce and with little time, the quality can suffer as a result.
Of course, if you're on my Christmas-card list then you already know all this. Anyway. This year I went with a Christmas Tree theme. The thick stripes of 'tinsel' on the tree came to mind after remembering some 80's album cover designs.
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