Coming soon then: 'Life with PlayStation', a funky little app that takes the super-gorgeous HD planet earth which comes up as a visualiser for music, and throws in some global weather forecasts and news around the world. That, is very nice.

Also on the horizon - the PlayStation Video Store on PlayStation3 and PSP (summer infact, if you live America - doh!). Nice video previews and HD downloads there. I'm sure it'll take forever to come out in Europe, but then we do have PlayTV coming out at some point...

Shots taken and rejigged from Watch Impress...

Sony, as expected, have just unveiled their new slimmer, lighter PSP. That'll be the, er, PSPtwo? Anyway - it's pretty much the same. The weight will make a difference but I can't help but feel disappointed that additional features have been left off.
Where's the built in flash memory? Bundling a 1Gb card is nice, but kinda old now.
Kotaku just posted some interesting (rumoured) details about the new PSP due out later this year. Sony have said a number of times now that a redesigned PSP (with the same hardware) is in the works but not yet announced any official details. I'm going to shamelessly rip the article right here and now:
Keep in mind this isn't Playstation Portable 2, but rather a redesign of the original, so it will be sporting the same internal hardware. But that's about the only thing that hasn't changed. The new Playstation Portable will have a much slimmer design, thanks mostly to a new LED screen that will deliver an ultra-crisp image but take up far less space. That LED also helps pump up the battery life of this sexy new model, which can last as much as four times longer than the original PSP. While the new PSP still makes use of the UMD drive, it will be a faster version and to help speed up loadtimes and gameplay, the portable will come packed with 8GBs of internal flash memory. Finally, the PSP's much maligned buttons have been revamped and the D-Pad has gotten a major overhaul, giving portable gamers something more like a Playstation 3 D-pad to play with.
So that's quite nice then.
The PSP get's it's remote play update today, as reported last week when the PlayStation 3 firmware 1.8 was announced. The update is currently on the Japanese website, and is expected to roll out globally today.
The Release notes look like this:
- Users
- Support has been added to allow remote play over the Internet in [Remote Play]
- [RSS channel guide] has been added as a feature under [RSS Channel]
The main feature of PSP firmware 3.5 now allows you to remotely access all of the media stored on your PlayStation 3, as well as use the internet browser and your friends list (with chat tools).
This video shows the login process, the proper video I made got screwed up so I'll try making another one later...
Sorry, you need the Flash player to view this content.

During its Gamers Day in San Diego, SCEA announced its intentions to launch its long anticipated PSP Store.
"I think the advent of a long awaited and quite frankly long overdue ability to deliver a downloadable service for the PSP will help us out a great deal," said SCEA president Jack Tretton. "Hopefully we'll have it out there by the fall."
About time too! It would be wierd if they spent all that money developing the PlayStation Store and then didn't make a mobile version for the PSP. Allowing gamers to purchase PS1 games for their PSP without the need for a PlayStation 3 will be a big step forward for Sony.
Mind you, they should've have that up and running years ago, when the PSP launched.
(Taken from Shack News)
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