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No real Remote Play in 1.6?

Thursday 22nd March 2007

After looking over the Japanese PS3 Firmware update page, I can only be left feeling a little disappointed. It appears as if the real, location-free style PSP-PS3 remote play functionality isn't included in 1.6 as expected.

Despite having personally asked Phil Harrison himself when this was coming out, and being told it was in 1.6 - it appears as if it's not.
He did state that remote play from wireless hotspots was included in 1.6, which to a certain extent, is true. But it's only within your local home wireless network - your router, still not particuarly useful.

This is a big let down for me, I only hope they update this soon. Although it's not going to stop me trying. Perhaps there is a way of forwarding the PSP directly to your home IP and then getting the router to forward to your PS3 automatically. I'll be keeping an eye on the guys over at ps3mods to see if they come up with anything...



Tom, some people at PSPFanboy have got it working. I gather it’s just glitchy right now and not so prone to working if you are using a wirless 60GB PS3.


Posted 20 hours 21 minutes 33 seconds after the item.


Thanks for that :)

Tom Kiss

Posted 20 hours 49 minutes 59 seconds after the item.