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Even closer to work

Wednesday 7th March 2007

I’ve done the ‘math’ (I only say that to make a point about my hatred of that Americanism) and my new flat is 357 meters (391 yards) to work. That’s 37 meters closer than my old flat. Brilliant!

My time spent commuting to work has now been slashed to around 4 minutes.

Ok, I’m ending my bragging now.



Very sensible I think. The amount of people wasting their lives commuting is horrendous. Some people spend 4 HOURS a day getting to work and back again. I have always limited my commute to an hour max.but of course two hours a day is still too much unless you get a seat and can have a good read of the paper.

But my job at the moment has the shortest commute ever: 15 mins by walking and 6 mins cycling.  I cycle! just to save time!!
I haven’t worked out how many metres is it though (I presume meters was also an intended Americanism)

Charlie Kiss

Posted 4 days 11 hours after the item.


Doh. I can’t believe I spelt metres wrong!

I worked out the distance by using - it has a ruler tool to measure accurately the distance between buildings when using ‘aerial’ view mode :)

Tom Kiss

Posted 5 days 21 hours after the item.


Thank you for the link. That’s better than Google earth.

I have discovered that the distance from my home to work is 800 metres. I couldn’t find the ruler tool but used the driving facility to work out the distance.

Amercianisms are slipping into our language all the time without us even noticing.
My pet hate is ‘guys’

Charlie Kiss

Posted 8 days 3 hours after the item.