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DivX Stage 6 BETA

Tuesday 24th April 2007
Stage 6

I'm not normally a fan of even the word 'DivX'. It's like some arogant codec that people have to go on and on about when ranting about which codecs some new techy device supports. But this next titbit bit of news is a definate plus point on the DivX sheet of things done good.

DivX Stage 6 BETA is essentially another YouTube site, only it promises much more than the smelly old YouTube. Offering hugely superior compression technology than Flash, and the ability to upload videos of up to 1080p resolution, it actually has something special to shout about. It also allows you to download videos, which is never a bad thing.
The only minus point is that you have to install the 'DivX web player', which isn't particuarly great considering the Flash Player penetration for video playback is something like 99%. But at least the plugin installs within the browser, and no need for downloading an .exe file with lots of extra software you don't need. It's fairly inoffensive.

After checking a few videos, I'm very impressed with the quality, even at full screen most videos remain clear and crisp. If DivX start talking around to get their web player pre installed in various browser versions, the DivX web player could be a contender for Flash video.
So, yes. DivX Stage 6 BETA ftw.



Stage 6 pwns. I guess Youtube will still be used for all the nonsense it’s famous for, but for movies and series and other tv stuff you want proper quality. Stage 6 delivers. Also, the DivX streaming codec supports Theatre mode. For the better UGT (User Generated Thievery) check out


Posted 1 month and 3 days after the item.


Stage 6’s website says it “may kind of work in IE as well”, so I guess either Stage 6 is an amateurish product or their website authors are very casual…


Posted 3 months after the item.


Stage 6 have emailed everyone who have registered with them that they are closing down the site today, so it is no more of quality stage 6 videos after today.


Posted 10 months and 5 days after the item.


Stage6 died, but the in alpha stage site hopes to fill its shoes.


Posted 1 year and 14 days after the item.