2010 archive site. For the current website, please visit



Tuesday 13th April 2004

I worked at Designate for 11 months, from April 2004 until March 2005. Designate is based in Brighton and is an advertising and Marketing agency specialising in the Travel & Tourism industry. It was my first experience working for an agency, working under tight deadlines and working with those lovely things called timesheets.

By working with a diverse range of clients, I learnt many new skills including appreciation for web standards and accessibility, and a huge improvement on my general CSS abilities. I also gained more experience of online marketing and advertising, producing many HTML newsletters and online banners. Clients included SunStar Leisure (concept design), Pure Holidays (concept design), P&O ferries, Provident Financial, Cimtig, Best Western Hotels, Transavia and Family Assurance. It was excellent experience to work in a creative team after so many months freelancing.

Designate was full of great people, I made many good friends and I learnt much from my manager, David Bee who was inspirational to me throughout.



Just so you know Tom your Sunstar design was put in production for 18 months and in that time the website was generating about 15-20% of the companies turnover.


Posted 3 years and 30 days after the item.