Well it’s not normally the best time to launch site (late at night, 12 hours before leaving for France) but I’ve just put my latest little project up and on to the internet, www.rotornot.co.uk.
ROT or NOT is a sister site for Crawl of the Dead. It works by showing random zombies who are registered on Crawl of the Dead, and letting internet users rate them. It’s just a bit of fun but hopefully a nice way of attracting new zombies to sign up on to CrawlOfTheDead.com.
Now I just wait for the spammers to hack my code to shreds, they tend to enjoy sites like this.

I've just finished work on my second version of Crawl of the Dead!
Ever since the site launched I have not been pleased with it, so after a few months of hard spare-time graft, I've finished version 2. Or "2.0" if you like. It's got some general improvements to the design plus some new features.
CrawlOfTheDead.com is a social networking site for Zombies. "Because zombies need friends too..."
If you're a zombie, get yourself over there!

Well it's taken some time but my love of dressing up as a zombie has finally, er, blossomed. For the past two years on Halloween, I've been dressing up as a zombie and wondering around the streets of Brighton with other zombies, in an event called Crawl of the Dead (Pub Crawl, with zombies). It's great fun.
So I decided to work on a community site for like minded zombies around the world, and it's complete. CrawlOfTheDead.com is alive! Yay!
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